Would you like more information? Planning on joining? Please contact fellow entrepreneur
and OWN It! Coach Sarah VanderMeiden.
Entrepreneurs are creative, resilient and tough-as-nails. But we can still use a little help from our friends from time to time. As opposed to a networking group, OWN It! groups are focused on you and the steps you can take to help your business be more successful. Come join us to discuss the ups and downs of owning your own business - and to get the encouragement and accountability from your fellow group members and your Coach to keep you moving forward toward your goals!
SPACE is LIMITED! Each group is open to 6 people and pre-registration is required.
Alternative days, times and locations available upon request.
Praise for OWN It!
“I enjoyed this group so much - it was so inspiring and I’ve taken steps in creating/pushing my business that I never would have done without your encouragement.”
Mackenzie Belich
Mackenzie Belich Photography